Monday, April 9, 2012


So my platoon towards the end of our deployment in 2008 found ourselves in a pomegranate field in the middle of diyala province, Iraq. What a shit hole, amazingly though this place is the breadbasket for all of iraq meaning thats where the majority of their money comes from because there is so much farming or whatever. Anyways In this field that we went to go and check out a "weapons cache" that was supposedly still there so we could blow it up. I hated walking through all those fucking fields because there were landmines all over the place. So you could imagine my discomfort walking through fields like its fuckin vietnam. Anyways back on track, a source had brought us to where the site was and instead of weapons we found one of our downed UAV's. You know unmanned aerial vehicle, it was a predator and someone stole all the accessories from it AKA the hell fire missiles that they carry where gone and the computers were stripped from the inside. So we hung out in this field for like the whole fuckin day right. HOURS out there. Finally EOD explosive ordinance disposal guys show up. Lets be clear they were ARMY EOD, not the bad ass NAVY EOD guys which was a shame because I loved working with those navy EOD dudes. We had to call them so that they could blow up the propane tanks surrounding the UAV. We thought that it was probably booby trapped. Anyways we all get back to the vehicles and are awaiting for the detonation of this shit and when they finally blow it we just hear a small pop versus a big BOOM. So we take a peek outside only to be greeted by man mades finest yellow death of chlorine gas. We originally just thought that it was yellow smoke from a smoke grenade and figured it out really quick once it hit us that it was gas gas gas mothafuckah. Well long story short my whole platoon had to get air medivaced to the hospital in ballad. I received chemical burns to my throat and my lungs just like everyone else in my platoon but noone recieved any purple hearts. Fuckin lame. anyways thats my story if you want to know more just comment me. alright thanks for reading.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Ok I am going to make another blog and this time its going to be about a movie. Thats right the wrath of the titans, soooooo shitty well atleast I thought so. Persius gets his ass kicked the entire movie and just gets lucky when he kills the bad guys. I mean you think that they would make the son of zeus a little more bad ass then that wouldnt you. OMG, I hated it. I thought that it would have atleast been better then the first movie. Give him some kind of power aries or whatever god of war was way more bad ass, I didnt think that demi gods where that special because they were too human. Anyways I can't wait for the avengers to come out those are real super heroes. Iron man or Thor would of beat the shit out of all those stupid monsters. Idk im just ranting because I hated the movie so bad.

VA taking forever again

So This is different I just need to catch up with my blogs so I am just going to write a short one on what Ive been doing recently. I have been writing a statement for the VA regarding my disability compensation, hopefully everything goes well cause it is such a pain in the butt to do. It can sometimes take months to complete. I had to collect some other statements to as well for supporting my case file. When the VA needs things from you they are so quick to ask for it and get it or take it away from you but when you need things from them they take forever. Thats the really shitty part about it. Anyways wish me luck I hope that I get the rating that I deserve. Thanks fro reading. take care and aloha!!